Right to information
We are required to make certain information available and respond to requests for information. This means that information will generally be released unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) replaced the Freedom of Information Act 1989 on 1 July 2010. The GIPA Act is designed to promote a fair, transparent and open government for the people of NSW.
There are four ways that you can access our information:
1. Information held by us on our websites which includes:
- Agency Information Guide - the guide includes information about:
- our functions, structure and role
- information held by us and the information we publish, and
- the way information can be accessed and the charges for processing formal applications.
- Disclosure Log - the log is available on the websites and lists all formal applications made to us under the GIPA Act, along with the information released.
- Government contracts - we are required to keep a register of our contracts that record information about each contract that has, or is likely to have a value of $150,000 or more.
2. Proactive release
You can ask us what information we will make available to the public, in addition to the information published on our website. Under the GIPA Act, we are encouraged to release as much information as possible, in an appropriate way and free of charge (or at the lowest reasonable cost).
3. Informal request
You can request specific information from us. The information will be released without the need for a formal application, unless there are reasons to require one.
4. Formal application
Making a formal application should be the last resort, if you have not been able to access the information you need in any other way. Before making a formal application, we recommend that you contact us first to discuss your needs, as we may be able to release the information informally. Your application needs to be made in writing or by completing the Formal Access to Information Application form.
Agency information guide
Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), each NSW Government department and agency is required to publish an annual Agency Information Guide. The guide sets out the structure, functions and role of a council. It also explains how you can access information we hold and outlines any processing charges that may apply.
Disclosure Log
A disclosure log is a record containing details of our information that has already been released under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). The disclosure log is part of the open access information that we are required to make available under section 25 of the GIPA Act.
Requests for personal information are not included in the disclosure log.
You can object to information being included in the disclosure log if you believe:
- it includes your personal information
- includes information about a deceased person that you personally represent, and
- the information concerns your business, commercial, professional, or financial interests or research undertaken.
We update our disclosure log after we make a decision in response to a formal application.
Contact information
For Information and Privacy requests, please email Corporate Governance at hpca-corporategovernance@health.nsw.gov.au.
Main Office - Health Professional Councils Authority and health professional councils
Level 6, 477 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Locked Bag 20, Haymarket NSW 1238
Phone: 1300 197 177
Fax: (02) 9281 2030
Email: hpca-mail@health.nsw.gov.au
Medical Council
PO Box 104, Gladesville NSW 1675
DX: 22808 Gladesville
Phone: (02) 9879 2200
Fax: (02) 9816 5307
Email: hpca-medicalcouncil@health.nsw.gov.au
Register of government contracts
We are required to keep a register of our contracts that records information about each contract that has, or is likely to have, a value of $150,000 or more.
Details of such contracts are published below on our register of government contracts:
Formal Access Application
You can formally request information from the Health Professional Councils Authority by downloading our application form.
An access application is subject to a $30 fee and other charges may apply. This includes processing charges for dealing with access applications at a rate of $30 per hour of processing time. Processing charges will be applied after the first hour of processing time has been elapsed. We will require you to pay an advance deposit of up to 50% of the estimated time to process the application before deciding to deal with your application. Failure to pay the advance deposit may mean that your application will not be dealt with. Failure to pay the charges in full may mean that your requested documents will not be released. If you are suffering financial hardship or your application is for a special public benefit you apply for a reduction of processing charges or a waiver of fees.
Please contact Corporate Governance at hpca-corporategovernance@health.nsw.gov.au to discuss your request before making a formal access application, as we may be able release the information to you informally.
All payments must be made by bank transfer into the following account:
Account name: HPCA main account BSB: 032 000 Account number: 802 675
When making the payment please include the following information:
- Payee name
- Descriptor, e.g., "GIPA Application" or "Subpoena issued by (name of Court)"
- Abbreviated name of relevant Council:
Name | Abbrev |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Council | ATSI |
Chinese Medicine Council | CMed |
Chiropractic Council | Chiro |
Dental Council | Dent |
Medical Council | MC |
Medical Radiation Practice Council | MRP |
Nursing and Midwifery Council | NMC |
Occupational Therapy Council | OT |
Optometry Council | Opt |
Osteopathy Council | Osteo |
Parmedicine Council | Para |
Pharmacy Council | Pharm |
Physiotherapy Council | Physio |
Podiatry Council | Pod |
Psychology Council | Psych |
Information on fees and charges is available from the Information and Privacy Commission website or by phone on 1800 463 626. Please send your GIPA application to Corporate Governance at hpca-corporategovernance@health.nsw.gov.au.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please go to our Frequently Asked Questions page.