Conditions are imposed on your registration only when it is necessary to restrict your registration in some way to protect public safety.
There are many different types of conditions which could be imposed for different lengths of time and for different reasons. All conditions are specific to each individual case. Usually conditions are in place for a period of time while you return to safe practice. The conditions may require you to do something or may limit the way you practice. Councils monitor compliance with all conditions.
When are conditions imposed on your registration?
Councils can restrict your registration and your practice in some way to manage risk to patients while you return to safe practice. Your registration can be restricted through conditions which are imposed by a council, Performance Review Panel, or the NSW Civil and Administratitve Tribunal.
Conditions are usually imposed as a result of a complaint. They can be imposed at the end of a process, to restrict your registration while you return to safe practice, or during a process, to manage risk to the public or in the public interest.
What are common types of condition?
Councils apply conditions that are specific to the issue we have identified or to the risk to public safety that the council thinks needs to be managed.
Some of the common types of conditions for health concerns include:
- requirements to see a treating practitioner, such as a general practitioner, a psychiatrist or psychologist
- drug and alcohol screening
- limits on work hours or supervision requirements
- prescribing restrictions.
Read more about our Health pathway.
Some of the common types of conditions for performance concerns include:
- requirement to undertake education or training
- supervision or mentoring by another practitioner
- limiting scope of practice or the types of procedures
- requiring periodic reporting on practice.
Read more about our Performance pathway.
Some of the common types of conditions for conduct concerns include:
- supervision requirements
- education and training requirements, including communication skills
- limiting scope of practice or the types of procedures
- requiring periodic reporting on practice
- submitting to a practice audit or inspection.
How long are conditions in place?
Conditions are usually in place for a fixed period. They can be reviewed or lifted for a range of reasons including when your circumstances change or when you have met requirements.
You can read more about how to apply to have your condition changed or removed.
How can you apply to have your conditions changed?
You can apply to have your conditions changed or removed for a range of reasons. This includes when your circumstances change or when you have met set requirements.
You can read more about how to apply to have your conditions changed or removed.
How does a council monitor the conditions on your registration?
You are expected to comply with any restrictions on your registration. Councils monitor your compliance with conditions. The type of monitoring used varies according to the type of condition in place and can include:
- drug and alcohol screening
- reviewing reports that are sent by you or by your supervisors
- review of Medicare data to monitor services or prescribing
- inspecting your practice, including reviewing your records.
Are conditions published on the online register of practitioners?
Conditions are published on the online register and publicly available. Usually, if you have an impairment and there is no overriding public interest to disclosure of the condition, councils request that this is not published. Most other conditions that restrict your practice in some way are published on the online register of practitioners.
The National Law (NSW) sets out what information is and is not published on the online register. Read more about what information is published.