Communications and media
Communications policy
The purpose of this NSW Health Policy is to provide guidance and direction about:
- the mechanisms required to minimise inappropriate use and
- the controls required to monitor the use of NSW Health communications systems and devices.
Media and communication policy and procedures
This policy is about public comment and procedures for responding to media enquiries, issuing media releases and other forms of communication.
Social media policy
Provides a framework and standards for the use of social media in personal and professional capacities to safeguard the privacy, reputation and rights of Councils, the HPCA, HPCA employees, hearing members, health practitioners, and health consumers more broadly.
Dealing with complaints - a guide for health service providers
This guide explains how NSW regulatory authorities deal with complaints about health service providers. It provides an overview of the processes and powers of the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) and the health professional councils when handling complaints.
Guide to serving legal documents
This guide provides information for parties seeking to serve a subpoena, summons, notice to produce or like documents on a NSW health professional council.
Breach management guidelines
The breach management guidelines for health service providers and other stakeholders in New South Wales explains how to deal with breaches of registration conditions.
Conditions handbook
The Conditions Handbook is a resource to assist Council, Panel, Committee and Tribunal members in the drafting of conditions (and orders) that achieve the aim of protecting the health and safety of the public, whilst also allowing health professionals to practise their profession where possible.
Members and staff conduct and behaviour
Bullying policy
The purpose of this NSW Ministry of Health Policy is to prevent and combat workplace bullying in all NSW health workplaces. It outlines the obligations of managers and staff with regard to workplace bullying, steps to minimise the risk of bullying and the rights of staff when making a complaint.
Code of Conduct policy
The Code of Conduct sets standards of ethical and professional conduct in NSW Health. The Code applies to all HPCA staff, including temporary staff and contractors.
Conflict of interest - Policy and Procedures
This policy and procedure on Conflict of Interest includes financial interests and gifts and benefits and sets out mandatory requirements and guidance for NSW health professional Council members, associated committee, panel and hearing members, and Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) staff.
Conflict of Interest – Policy and Procedures (Ths policy includes Financial Interests and Gifts and Benefits)
Gifts and benefits policy
This policy provides guidance for staff on how to manage the offer of gifts, benefits and bribes.
Managing email access policy
This policy provides guidance for HPCA staff on managing and using email. Procedures for managing emails are to be developed.
Managing for performance policy
This NSW Health Policy directive identifies the key features to be reflected in all NSW Health agency policies on performance management, and build on the essential elements outlined in the NSW Public Sector Performance Development Framework.
Managing unpredictable people policy and procedure
This policy provides a framework for staff, members of councils, committees and panels to respond to concerns about threatening or violent behaviour by visitors who are the subject of council processes, their support people or other members of the public, including complainants. The policy provides guidance in identifying and avoiding risks and responding to threatening situations, including use of the HPCA duress alarms, and identifies training resources for staff and members.
Public interest disclosures policy
This policy provides guidance for staff and members on public interest disclosures (formerly known as protected disclosure or whistle blowing).
Privacy management policy
The purpose of this NSW Health Policy is to provide operational guidance for health service staff to the legislative obligations imposed by the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. It outlines procedures to support compliance with the Act in any activity that involves personal health information.
Restructuring policy and procedures
This NSW Health policy and procedures set out the mandatory steps that apply when implementing a restructure in the NSW Ministry of Health.
Reporting corrupt conduct procedures
Procedures to assist Principal Officers and others to understand their obligations under the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 to report suspected corrupt conduct and how to make reports.
Staff Recognition Program procedure
This procedure provides a framework for recognising achievements of individuals, teams or groups whose performance is consistently good or exceptional and who have made an outstanding contribution to the HPCA or the NSW public sector. It is consistent with NSW Public Service Commission Guidelines.
Work health and safety
The purpose of these NSW Ministry of Health policies and guidelines is to ensure that public health organisations have a work health and safety policy and comprehensive management system, consistent with work health and safety (WHS) legislation, which identifies, assesses, eliminates or controls workplace risks to health and safety.