General inquiries
You can contact us during office hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Telephone: 1300 197 177
TTY Service: (02) 9219 0250
Fax: (02) 9281 2030
Our postal address
Health Professional Councils Authority
Locked Bag 20
Haymarket NSW 1238
If you want to make a complaint about a health practitioner or a student in NSW, you must put your complaint in writing.
You can do this in one of three ways:
1. Complete our online complaint form
2. Download our complaint form, fill this in and either email or post it to us.
3. Write to us directly, clearly setting out the complaint details, including the health practitioner’s name and work address.
Please read this important information before making a complaint because some complaints relating to health practitioners (such as disputes over medical bills) are dealt with by other agencies.
You can also provide feedback or make a complaint about our administrative and business processes using our online form or by emailing us at
Media inquiries
For media inquiries concerning any of the registered professions (except for medical) please email For enquiries concerning the medical profession, please contact the Medical Council of New South Wales on (02) 9879 2200.
Where to find us
Level 6, North Wing
477 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
The building is located in Pitt Street, between Hay and Barlow Streets, opposite Belmore Park and a short distance from Sydney’s Central Railway Station.
Interpreter service
People who prefer a language other than English should contact us through the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450. Interpreters can be arranged by the Health Professional Councils Authority to discuss a complaint or TIS will organise for an interpreter in your language to be on the telephone when you contact us. TIS is a free and confidential service.
Feedback form
This form is specifically for providing feedback, making an enquiry, or making a complaint about our administrative and business processes.
There is a different process for making a complaint or notification about a health practitioner. Our website has information about how you can make a complaint about a registered health practitioner.
This form should not be used if you are wishing to complain about or appeal a complaint outcome or a Council decision. Please refer to the relevant process as outlined in your decision letter.