- Vacancies: x3 members of the Cultural Safety Working Group
- Closing date: 10am Monday, 21 March 2022
Expressions of interest are being sought from persons who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander to join the Cultural Safety Working Group of the Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA). Experience and leadership in health or consumer settings is welcomed.
The Cultural Safety Working Group
The Cultural Safety Working Group has been established to support the improvement of culturally safe practice in all aspects of managing notifications or complaints concerning registered health practitioners in NSW. It will support a culturally safe environment for notifiers, health practitioners, HPCA staff, Council & panel members, and other participants in health practitioner regulation. The overall purpose and objective of the Cultural Safety Working Group is to create a strategy and action plan that will help establish culturally safe regulatory practices and a culturally safe environment for everyone participating in the regulatory activity of Councils and the HPCA.
The Cultural Safety Working Group comprises participants identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, representatives from NSW health professional Councils, HPCA staff, and an invited member from the Ministry of Health’s Centre for Aboriginal Health. Members of the working group identifying as Aboriginal will comprise a minimum of 50% of membership.
Time commitment and remuneration
- The Working Group meets monthly for one hour via videoconference until July 2022.
- Additional meetings may be scheduled depending on requirements as identified by the Working Group.
- There may be reading and email engagement outside of scheduled meetings.
- Remuneration is $500 per half day.
Submitting an EOI
Expressions of interest should include the following information.
- A short statement in response to:
- Why you are interested in the role.
- What you will bring to the role that is going to contribute to the working group meeting its objectives.
- A short curriculum vitae (maximum 5 pages).
- The names and contact details of two referees.
Expressions of interest should be submitted by email to hpca-ps-appointments@health.nsw.gov.au.
Closing date: 10am Monday, 21 March 2022
Contact: Asha Mears
Corporate Governance, Health Professional Councils Authority
Phone: 8320 6520
About Us
The NSW health professional Councils are established under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW). Each Council is an independent statutory body exercising the powers, authorities, duties and functions set out in the National Law. The purpose of the Councils is to protect the health and safety of the public. The Health Professional Councils Authority is an executive agency of the NSW Ministry of Health working in partnership with the Councils. The HPCA supports the Councils’ regulatory purpose by providing shared executive services and fulfilling corporate functions.