Will you share my information?
We usually show your complaint to the practitioner and ask them to respond. We only share information if we need to as part of dealing with the complaint.
Is the complaints process confidential?
Yes. The complaints process is confidential. We can only share confidential information if we need to. We usually provide copies of your complaint to the practitioner and ask them to respond.
We must release information if this is required under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. You can read more about what this means.
Will a copy of my complaint be given to the health practitioner?
In most cases, yes. The Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) as part of the joint assessment will send your complaint to the practitioner and ask them to respond. In some rare cases, the HCCC may not tell the practitioner about the details of the complaint. This only happens when the investigative process may be compromised.
Will anyone else be told I made the complaint?
The people who are managing your complaint directly will know who you are. This may include staff of the Health Professional Councils Authority and the Health Care Complaints Commission. The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) requires us to ask for your consent before we share information about you with anyone else.