Welcome to theHealth Professional Councils Authority
Make a complaint

How can we help?

The Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) is the administrative body that supports the health professional councils in NSW. We were set up in July 2010...

Councils manage complaints about the clinical care and treatment, professional behaviour or health of a registered health practitioner in NSW.

We support the health professional councils in NSW. We provide shared executive and corporate services to support the councils’ regulatory activities.

Complaints are concerns about the care, treatment or behaviour of a registered health practitioner. You can make a complaint about a registered health practitioner or registered student in NSW.

Our website can provide you with more information about the assessment and management of a complaint. You can also contact us.

The role of the Health Professional Councils Authority Co-regulating with the HCCC, the national Boards for each profession and AHPRA
The councils we support

We currently assist 15 health professional councils in NSW. The councils are part of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme. In partnership with the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, councils manage complaints about health practitioners in NSW and students registered to undertake health practitioner training in NSW.

HPCA Latest News and Updates
Plus research grants, calls for members and more
The Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) is inviting applications from people interested in becoming practitioner members of a NSW health...
The Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) is inviting applications from people interested in becoming Australian lawyer members of a NSW...
An image of Master of Ceremonies Adam Spencer addressing the crowd at the HPCA All Councils Conference.
Friday 12 April saw the Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) and NSW Heath Professional Councils (the Councils) successfully deliver their...
For the 2022/23 reporting period, the joint annual report of the 15 NSW Health Professional Councils (Councils) is now available.
The NSW Health Professional Councils and Health Professional Councils Authority have launched their joint Aboriginal Cultural Safety Strategy 2023 –...
The HPCA acknowledges the people of the many traditional countries and language groups of New South Wales. We acknowledge the wisdom of Elders past and present, and pay respect to all Aboriginal communities of today.