Can I make a complaint?
Anyone can make a complaint, including:
- the patient who received the health service
- the patient’s parent or guardian
- a relative, friend or representative chosen by the person
- a health service provider
- another health practitioner
- an employer, or
- any other concerned person
What are my rights in the complaint process?
Be treated with respect
We expect all of our communication with the complainants to be respectful.
Be kept informed
We will tell you:
who will be managing the complaint
the progress of the complaint
about actions taken that affect the practitioner’s registration
the outcome of the complaint
Provide additional information
We may ask you to provide additional information. You can send us any information you think is appropriate.
Provide feedback to us
We are happy to hear from you if you have any feedback. Please use this form if you have questions or concerns about our policies, procedures, access to information or quality of service.
Can I be sued for making a complaint?
No. If you make a complaint in good faith about something you are genuinely concerned about, you can’t be sued. The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) protects you from liability in this circumstance.
Can I withdraw my complaint?
Yes, you can ask us in writing to withdraw your complaint and you can stop participating in our process. However, if the Council or HCCC believes the complaint has raised significant public health and safety issues, an investigation or process may continue. We will not inform you that we are doing this if you withdraw your complaint.